Poet Reduced To The Cliche. Similarly, certain epithets like "reverend" and "father" are attached to the names of church officials. People use jokes all the time.
The massacre of the innocents(= children; this biblical phrase is related to the killing of Jewish male children by King Herod in Bethlehem). Repeated often to the point of being stale or commonplace. … more ▼ ▲. Stylistic Inversion aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional colouring to the surface meaning of the utterance. Quintilian remarks: "It is due to the metaphor that each thing seems to have its name in language." Language as a whole has been figuratively defined as a dictionary of faded metaphors. metonymy is a SD based on association, the name of one thing is used in place of the name of another, closely related to it.
This is done by supplying the central image created by the metaphor with additional words bearing some reference to the main word.
Clichés are words and phrases that have been used so often that they're no longer very interesting. and do not fall under the category of clichés.
It starts with a group of teenagers all enjoying themselves, and it ends with everyone dead except one girl. A cliché is a phrase or idea that has been used to the extent that it has lost its original meaning—and its allure. Repeated often to the point of being stale or commonplace. … more ▼ ▲. Stylistic Inversion aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional colouring to the surface meaning of the utterance.