Comment 29. Comments are generally formatted as either block comments (also called prologue comments or stream comments) or line comments (also called inline comments). Block comments delimit a region of source code which may span multiple lines or a part of a single line.
This region is specified with a start delimiter and an end delimiter. Job now goes on to finish his defence, and in order to it he first sets forth his condition in the time of his prosperity, against which he places, by way of contrast, his present unhappy situation, describing both with great beauty and elegance. According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary by Spiros Zodhiates, krisis generally means "separation," "decision," "division," "turn of.
Block comments delimit a region of source code which may span multiple lines or a part of a single line.
This region is specified with a start delimiter and an end delimiter.
Comments are generally formatted as either block comments (also called prologue comments or stream comments) or line comments (also called inline comments). For purposes of this Commentary, technologically. Some programming languages (such as MATLAB) allow.